Research & Development.

Sociology - Subcultures

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in Sociology

The interdisciplinary study of the causes, consequences, correction, and prevention of criminal behavior and delinquency.

Sociology of Religion

in Sociology

The study of using surveys, polls, demographic and census analysis, participant observation, interviews, and analysis of archival, historical and documentary materials in the comparison of beliefs, practices, and organizational forms among various religions.

Cultural Sociology

in Sociology

The study of a people's way of thinking and acting, and the material objects that together shape their paradigm.

Psychoanalytic Sociology

in Sociology

The study of analyzing a society using the same parameters psychologists apply in psychoanalyzing an individual.

Analytical Sociology

in Sociology

The study of understanding and explaining various social practices, patterns of segregation, network structures, typical beliefs, and common ways of acting.

Historical Sociology

in Sociology

The study of the complex social processes that through history shape institutions and organizations, which in time influence the development of societies, resulting in phenomena ranging from gender bias and income inequality to war.

Human Ecology

in Sociology

The interdisciplinary study of how resources, associated skills, and beliefs, together give rise to a system of social structures and behaviors.

Medical Sociology

in Sociology

The study of the social or cultural effects, the actions and interactions of healthcare professionals, the experiences of patients, and their reactions to medical practice, to medical organizations and institutions.

Gender Studies

in Sociology

The interdisciplinary study of what determines a person’s perception of gender, and how race, ethnicity, location, class, nationality, and disability influence sexuality.

Comparative Sociology

in Sociology

The study of highlighting the similarities or variances in social processes across different cultures or nation states.

Educational Sociology

in Sociology

The study of how schooling systems influenced by modern industrial societies and individual experiences affect human education outcomes.

Mathematical Sociology

in Sociology

The study of expressing sociological theories in formal terms using mathematical models for increased clarity.

Military Sociology

in Sociology

The study of the military as a social group, of military personnel having coerced collective actions based on shared interests linked to survival in vocation and combat, and of civil-military relations.

Environmental Sociology

in Sociology

The study of the social factors that cause environmental problems, such as the increasing pollution of plastic waste, the reversal impacts of those problems on society, and the efforts to solve them.


in Sociology

The study of human sexuality, sexual behavior, sexual interests, sexual development, relationships, intercourse, sexual dysfunction, transmitted diseases, and pathologies such as child sexual abuse or sexual addiction.

Natural Resource Sociology

in Sociology

The study of how the management or mismanagement of natural resources such as land, water, soil, plants and animals affects the quality of human life.

Social Capital

in Sociology

The study of social networks or interconnected networks of relationships between individuals and groups, behaving as family, friends, neighbors, business partners, and parents of same-age children, gaining levels of trust among each other to secure benefits and invent solutions to problems.

Digital Sociology

in Sociology

The study of how various technologies contribute to patterns of human behavior and social relationships.

Futures Studies

in Sociology

The study of past and present social behaviors, to understand and determine what is likely to continue and what could plausibly change, to produce a possible, probable, and preferable future.


in Sociology

The study of the relationship between an injured party and an offender, by examining the causes and the nature of suffering, also whether the perpetrators were complete strangers, mere acquaintances, friends, or family members, and why a particular person or place was a target.

Jealousy Sociology

in Sociology

The study of the cultural and social factors that influence jealousy, and how attitudes towards it change over time.


in Sociology

The interdisciplinary study of the psychological aspects, the intellectual performances, the physiological bases, the pathological deviations, the disease processes, and the social and economic problems of aging in all animal species, precipitated by the increasing number of elderly people in the population.

Sociology - Data Collection

As a Sociologist, please Login and provide research data on any of the following topics.

1. Government Agencies.

In preparing each faculty of knowledge to function constitutionally as an Arm of Government, we first need to specify or outline their boundaries. Please list as many offices, agencies, ministries, institutions, or parastatals presently in your region that you think fall under the authority, leadership, jurisdiction, legislation, or administration of the faculty of Sociology.


2. Licensing Rights.

The creation or invention of new products and services are the efforts of multiple faculties working collaboratively. However, in our new economic system design, conflicts arise as to which faculties should possess the rights of ownership to certain creations. For example. Should CELLPHONES fall under the licensing rights of Physics or Electrical Engineering? Should PLASTICS fall under the licensing rights of Chemistry or Materials Science? Should PHARMACEUTICALS fall under the licensing rights of Biology or Health Science? Please list as many services, gadgets, products, creations, or inventions that sociologists provide or offer presently in your region that you believe fall under the licensing rights of the faculty of Sociology.


3. The Future.

Assuming that the faculty of Sociology has just been granted ample funding and unhindered federal powers, please suggest a new idea, course of action, strategy, dream, innovation, or next-generation agency that sociologists could implement, establish, or research and develop towards achieving a utopia in your region.

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