Research & Development.

Systems Science - Subcultures


in Systems Science

The study of using a technological system to control or regulate another system.

Systems Biology

in Systems Science

The interdisciplinary study of the computational and mathematical modeling of complex biological systems.

Earth Systems Engineering & Management

in Systems Science

The study of using technology to recreate complex environmental systems that provide successful and lasting solutions to human-created problems such as environmental pollution, climate-change, overpopulation, and overconsumption.

Network Science

in Systems Science

The study of complex networks to create better networks, such as telecommunication networks, computer networks, biological networks, cognitive and semantic networks, and social networks.

Systems Ecology

in Systems Science

The interdisciplinary study of the computational and mathematical modeling of complex ecological systems.

Operations Research

in Systems Science

The study of methods to make better decisions in the management and administration of organized military, governmental, commercial, and industrial processes.

System Dynamics

in Systems Science

The study of the behavior of complex systems, to create new techniques or mathematical models that improve policy analysis and design, and industrial processes.

Biosystems Engineering

in Systems Science

The study of integrating the expertise of fundamental engineering fields with expertise from non-engineering disciplines.

Enterprise Systems Engineering

in Systems Science

The study of designing an enterprise system, or a complex, socio-technical system that comprises interdependent resources of people, information, and technology that must interact to fulfill a common mission.

Chaos Theory

in Systems Science

The study of random or unpredictable behavior in complex systems governed by predictable laws.

Systems Science - Data Collection

As a Systems Scientist, please Login and provide research data on any of the following topics.

1. Government Agencies.

In preparing the faculties of knowledge to function constitutionally as Arms of Government, please list as many government offices, agencies, ministries, institutions, or parastatals presently in your region that you think fall under the authority, leadership, jurisdiction, legislation, or administration of the faculty of Systems Science.


2. Licensing Rights.

Products and services are the efforts of multiple faculties working collaboratively. However, in our new economic design, conflicts arise on which faculty should possess the rights of ownership. Example. CELLPHONES - Physics or Electrical Engineering. PLASTICS - Chemistry or Materials Science. PHARMACEUTICALS - Biology or Health Science. List as many services, gadgetries, products, creations, or inventions that systems scientists provide or offer presently in your region that you believe fall under the licensing rights of the faculty of Systems Science.


3. The Future.

Assuming that the faculty of Systems Science has just been granted ample funding and unhindered federal powers, suggest a new idea, course of action, strategy, dream, innovation, or next-generation agency that systems scientists could implement, establish, or research and develop towards achieving a utopia in your region.

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